We ONLY work with the best!

Preferred Vendors in Oroville, Butte County and Beyond

We are proud to work with a amazing network of vendors who all contribute to the best possible real estate experience for our clients.

Title Companies

First American Title

Fidelity National Title

Website: https://www.fntic.com/

Point Person: Alenda Harvey Baker

Lending Companies

Change Mortgage

Website: https://www.changemtg.com/branches/oroville

Point Person: Renee Jones

Home Inspections

RCL Home Inspections

Website: https://www.nachi.org/certified-inspectors/rob-latka-64468

Point Person: Rob Ladka

P: 530-520-9739

Imperial Home Inspection Services

Website: https://www.imperialhomeinspectionservices.com/

Point Person: Trevor May

P: 530-305-9622

Pest Services

Hobbs Pest Solutions, Inc.

Website: https://hobbspestsolutions.com/

Hunters Services Inc.

Septic & Well Services

Oroville Products

Website: https://www.orovilleproducts.com/

Precision Pump & Well Drilling Co.

Website: http://www.precisionpumpco.com/

Electrician Services

Williams Electric Company

Able Plumbing & Electrical

Contractors & Roofing

Ford Construction Co.

DS Roofing

Website: https://www.buildzoom.com/contractor/ds-roofing

Point Person: Dan

P: 530-877-5825 | E: [email protected]

Mark Markut Roofing

Website: https://www.buildzoom.com/contractor/mark-markut-roofing

Point Person: Mark

P: 530-353 1560

Signs, Cleaning, Handyman & Photography

Inside Out Designs

Website: http://insideoutoroville.com/

Point Person: Josh

Escue Cleaning

Website: http://escuecleaning.com/

Point Person: Jon Escue

Estes Services

Point Person: Daniel Estes

P: 530-400-4156

Ferretti Photography

Website: https://www.ferrettiphotography.com/index

Point Person: Anthony